New York City 2015

Manhattan skyline from a Brooklyn perspective

No, it didn´t blew me away again.

But while sitting in the cab from JFK to Manhattan I remembered my first visit to Big Apple and I knew exactly how it had knocked me out back then (six or seven years ago).  And strangely, even though I could not imagine to live in NYC, it felt a little bit like coming home… maybe just because every block reminded me of a whoa-moment, every street said something like »why don’t you come back tomorrow?«

Midtown rooftop view

From up on the Highline in Meatpacking District

Baby Hulk somewhere in NoLita

Hell’s Kitchen flea market

Early morning on Times Square

H&M ad reflection on Times Square

Yes, it’s pretty impossible to not like New York.

To not like a walk on the High Line, to not be impressed by the city’s gigantism, to not like to sit somewhere and just watch all these different kind of people from all around the world knowing that most of them somehow do and feel the same.

A decent price for a good advice

Wassup? on Bleecker Street, SoHo

Yellow cabs in Brooklyn

Balloons on the Broadway

Late night entertainment: The Royal Palms Shuffle Board Club, Brooklyn


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