A stop-over in Singapore 2016

A 2-days-stop-over on our way back from Indonesia gave me the chance to get a first impression of Singapore – a city in which a few people I have met in my life could imagine to live in… or actually do live in.

I´d say not me.

Of course, Singapore is impressive. Especially its architecture. But mainly it shows (off) how much money this small state has spent on impressing visitors which makes it feel a bit disneyesque – or at least superficial. When you leave the polished parts and its luxury malls and take a smaller street instead to have a look behind the scenes, the discrepancy between what the wealthy expats and tourists are meant to enjoy and the reality other inhabitants of Singapore have to deal with is almost pervert.

And apart from that: it’s anyway far too humid.

Marina Bay Sands hotel

Gardens by the bay


Little India
The Master of puppets


Please bear with us


The ArtScience Museum


The Esplanade Theatre


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