This packaging for the PUMA AutoDisc, the first electronic auto-lacing shoe ever, plays with the ideas of conceal / reveal and the contrast of raw, protective shipping material which is executed in a precise and tonal all-black look and feel.

It has been shipped to 50 selected partners, testimonials, bloggers and tech-geeks to launch the AutoDisc concept.

The black dyed MDF box leaves an acrylic sneak-peek area right on top of the AutoDisc unit of the shoes without revealing too much of the actual shoe or any of the electronic devices such as the induction charger, the power supply or the regional plugs which are all stored in a customized foam inlay. After having opened the two barrel bands the box can opened by sliding the two ends toward the left and right – with defined stops. Then simply remove the acrylic arch to access to the shoes, the charger, the supply and the plugs…


In the end I met with some PUMA colleagues at the supplier’s factory to assemble and pack the fifty boxes and assign them to the fifty selected recipients. As of course not all of them had the same shoe-size, it was crucial to pick the right shoes as well as the right matching die-cuts of the foam inlay.


Here are some BTS shots from that day…

RECOGNITION – The AUTODISC packaging has been rewarded with an if design award 2017.


Done at  PUMA
Client PUMA Innovation



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