I photograph for one reason: Memories. Basically all the photos I take are supposed to help me not to forget what I have seen. Here and there I‘m lucky and these memories turn out really nice and I feel they are worth to not only be stored on a hard drive but to be shared. And nowadays sharing is easy, at least digitally.

But I thought of something analogue, something that I could just grab from my coffee table and flip through whenever I want. And something that works perfectly as a gift to my friends and family.

THE WEEKENDER magazine is a visual diary that captures the various places I have been lucky to visit during the last years. When going on longer trips I usually bring home thousands of photos and usually it takes some time to browse through them, select the best, do some editing and then create a large format book per trip. THE WEEKENDER isn´t of that, it contains only photos from short or weekend trips that would never fill any book.

The first issue covers the years 2015 & 2016 and has been released right before xmas 2016. One year later, I did the same and got a few copies printed of the  issue #2 with shots from 2016/ 2017 – and I’m looking forward to the end of this year when I will work on issue #3.

Done at  home
Client myself
2016 ff



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